The Master Report tool under the Reports tab on your navigation panel will allow you to find out more information regarding customers and purchases across your account.

  1. Select a date range spanning no more than 12 months
  2. Select a specific event you'd like to see data for
  3. Show purchase or ticket information- select Include Refunds to include refunded ticket/purchase information
  4. Export to download a CSV document

Information available in Master Report:

  • Event name, date, time, venue
  • Purchase time stamp
  • Confirmation code
  • Promo link used
  • Number of items purchased
  • Customer email, name, phone, address, IP address
  • Transaction Type
  • Total, Base price, Organizer Fees, Prekindle Fees, Sales Tax
  • Booking Protection or Ancillary Charges (add-ons)
  • Type (Purchase or Refund)

For further assistance with the Master Report, please contact