There are are a few different options for settling payment and charges for an event that you post on Prekindle.
When you set up your account, you have the option to choose how to receive payment for your sold tickets, and how you are billed for any charges such as bulk tickets or box office staff/equipment.
1) You can check your account settings on the Preferences tab on the left-side navigation panel to see how your events are settled. You can choose to have your payments issued via Direct Deposit (ACH), Mailed Check, or PayPal payment. You can change your settings by clicking the link. For fastest payment settlement, Prekindle recommends choosing Direct Deposit (ACH).
2) You can also check your account summary on the Payments tab on the left-side tool panel to see how your events are set up to be settled and to get an update on any pending events.
Visit the Payments page for a more detailed view of the Payments tab.
If you have any questions or need more information on how/when your events are settled please contact