Make sure you are viewing your account dashboard by clicking the Dashboard tab on the left side navigation panel. 

  1. Click the event to open up the event tools
  2. Click into the Sales section, then Tickets
  3. Click the Editbutton next to the ticket type you wish to automate to open the ticket tools
    1. Check the Show Automation Options to open the automation tools for the ticket price selected
    2. Set the Publish and Pause time and date (Remember: a price must be paused in order for the publish automation to take effect)
    3. Set the automated action for When Sell Capacity Reached:
      • To pause the price and publish a new price, ensure both the Pause This Pricing and Publish Another Pricing are checked
      • Pause Section/Level when sell capacity is met on this price
    4. Click Save to save all automations
    5. A clock icon will appear on the price when an automation is set

If you have trouble setting the automation by ticket type, contact