Basic Know Before You Go event information pulled from the event created in the system is automatically available to customers via a link in their confirmation receipt. This basic Know Before You Go event information is also automatically sent as an event reminder to all opted-in purchasers 2 days prior to the event.
To view the current Know Before You Go event information as viewed by the customer, click the EVENT INFO tab at the top of the Event Tools page.
Basic Know Before You Go event information pulled from the event created in the system will be visible to the customer as shown.
The event information displayed here includes the event date, time, and location, access to printable and mobile tickets, customer support, and the customer Event Feed.
Event organizers can Edit Know Before You Go Information provided under the EVENT INFO tab by clicking the Click here to edit link provided in the orange banner at the top of the page. (This orange banner is not visible to customers.)
A separate Know Before You Go post can also be made directly to the Event Feed. To create a new Know Before You Go post, click the SELECT button under Know Before You Go on the Event Feed Tools. This will open the post editing tools.
- Schedule your message to either post immediately when you are finished building it, or schedule a time in the future to automatically post the message.
- Add a title to your message from the dropdown options (Important Event Information, Event Details Updated, or Know Before You Go)
- Designate the author; Staff is automatically chosen, but you can change it to whichever dropdown option best fits the message (You (first name), Staff, Event Staff, Festival Staff, System, Organizer Name)
- Click EDIT to customize your message
Choose Just This Event and edit the Title, Instructions, Driving & Parking, For Ticket Types, and Publish Styles. For more information on editing the Know Before You Go, click here.
Customers who have opted in to receive post notifications for the Event Feed will receive an email that links directly back to the Feed.
If you are having trouble creating and editing the Know Before You Go message, please contact