In order to schedule or send a Past Attendees Blast, first ensure you are logged into your Prekindle account.  The event must have an image, performers set, and be published in order to schedule a past attendees blast.

  1. Click into the event you'd like to send the Past Attendee Blast for
  2. Click Promote and then Past Attendees 
  3. Click SEND to immediately send an email to attendees of any prior events of the same name or customers who have seen the artist at your venue in the past
  4. Toggle on Schedule Past Attendee Notification for 7 days after this event is published
  5. Toggle on (Schedule these for all events on my account) to turn this feature on account wide

When an Attendee Blast has been sent, check out the same tab to view the timestamp of the blast, along with the number of recipients, opens, and clicks from the email.