If you have a refund that has been processed as a check, you will receive a digital check that can either be printed and deposited at your bank, or you have the option to have the funds direct deposited to your account.
Printing the check – Save a digital copy in a PDF. Any printer works using black or color ink. Basic white paper works, although thicker paper stock is preferred (24# is ideal). In your printer settings, make sure they are set to "actual size" and not "fit" or "shrink oversized pages".
- Confirming the check has printed correctly – Verify the text is clearly printed in dark ink, check is centered on page, bank numbers are visible at the bottom of the page are visible, and there is no smudging or wrinkling of paper. Reprint if bank numbers are cut off, off-center or skewed, the text is too light to read or is smudged, or the paper is wrinkled.
- Deposit – Cut on the dotted line. Endorse the check. Fold the check in half.
- Deposit at your bank or credit union
- Directly at teller
- ATM (best results)
- Smartphone mobile deposit – Turn off image detection
- Office check scanner
- Deposit at your bank or credit union
Mobile Deposit Option – Using a computer screen or tablet in conjunction with your smartphone, click the mobile deposit button. Click the “Front of Check” button and use your banks image capture app to first take a picture of the front of the check. Then click outside the box or push “esc”, and then click “Back of Check” button, line up the endorsement line, and take an image of the back of the check. Then click the deposit button.
ACH Direct Deposit Option – Click the ACH Direct Deposit option and follow in the instructions to enter and submit your information in order to receive an ACH.
Request a Printed Check Option – Click this button and enter your address information for a check to be sent out to you USPS First-Class mail within 36 business hours.
- If you are having trouble scanning the check, have the teller manually key it in.
- Ask to speak to branch manager.
- Have the teller or manager contact the issuer to verify at 480-568-3965.
Questions? Call 480-568-3965 or email support@checkissuing.com.